Eagle Rivet Roof Service Corporation

Rebuilding Together Hartford

Rebuilding Together Hartford

Eagle Rivet participated in the annual “Rebuilding Together Hartford” event. Every year on the last Saturday of April is national rebuilding day. The Eagle Rivet employees this year took the time out each year to make improvements to homes in the city of Hartford. This was Eagle Rivet’s 23rd year for participating in this event. They donate their time and money to give citizens better living conditions and easier accessibility.

Many volunteers come year after year because it is truly a rewarding cause to be a part of. The neighborhoods and buildings of Hartford are made with more sustainable improvements from Tewksbury roof replacement to provide better living conditions for the homeowner. Free home repairs are provided to low-income families in the city of Hartford. Each year, Eagle Rivet provides repairs for 20 – 25 houses. Our generous volunteers and sponsors help to purchase materials for repairs.

During this event, there are also many volunteers who participate statewide. Whether you are a skilled worker or just someone who wants to make a difference, the Rebuilding Together Hartford event could always use a helping hand. Since hiring a skilled worker is very expensive, we ask any skilled workers to dedicate their time during this event to make Hartford a better place.

The goal each year is to make the low-income homes of Hartford safe, accessible and energy efficient. One of the homes was getting a new washer and dryer, and hand rails for someone who needed assistance into their home. This year we had 450 volunteers who worked on 22 houses in the Northeast neighborhoods of Hartford. If you are interested in volunteering to make Hartford a great place, go to rthartford.org.


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